How to set Tasks for Lead Follow-up

Once you have captured a new lead, it is absolutely vital that you follow up with them in a timely manner.

To accomplish this you can set follow-ups that remind you to perform various actions and make sure you never miss an opportunity to convert a hot lead into a client.

There are several ways you might find follow up items appearing in your Follow Up lists:

  • Tasks from Campaigns: Campaigns consists of emails and tasks - so if a Task is scheduled for you then you will see it appear in your Follow Up list
  • Manually Added task: You can create a Follow Up.

Follow up tasks are also created due to actions from Drip Campaigns.

The campaign creates a queue of tasks such as follow up phone calls, and assigns a due date for each tasks. The next task will not be assigned until the previous one has been completed and checked off by the responsible person.

To View your Follow Ups:

When you first log into your Buying Buddy account, you will see a summary of your Follow Ups in the Dashboard panels, as shown here:

The Leads menu also contains a section for "Items Due Today" (a summary of all follow-ups that are due now).

When you look at Follow Up > Items Due , you will see a list of all tasks - as shown below:

You will see the due date of the task, the type of task and the name of the lead the task relates to.

To edit the task, click on the pencil icon to the right of that task.

To mark a task as completed, click the task subject.
This shows a panel where you can add notes and add a follow-up action, as shown here:

Use the lower part of the completion panel to indicate the type of task, add notes, and even schedule a follow-up action.

To manually add a new task:

Currently, all tasks need to be associated with a LEAD.
So, to add a new task, go to the Lead Record and click the "Add Task" button to add a new task

Updated on December 28, 2023

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